Feb 2, 2016

Burj Khalifa (Factual Writing)

Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. The Burj Khalifa stands at 828 meters tall. It is 3 times as tall as Eiffel Tower and two times taller than Empire State Building. The Burj Khalifa is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 
The weight of the concrete is equivalent to 100,000 elephants. Total aluminum used in the tower weighs as much as 5 A380 aircraft. It has 163 floors and has 58 functional elevators. Burj Khalifa has 2957 parking spaces, 304 hotels and 900 apartments. This building was started on 2004 completed on 2010 by Emaar Properties. The total cost of building Burj Khalifa was $1.5 billion. 


  1. you describe the details well and you have no mistakes in grammer neither the spellings

  2. This post is good. You use good grammars but it is too short. I suggest you to do more :)
