Apr 3, 2016

Gifts (Narrative)

I want to post this narrative that I wrote at school because it is one of my best narratives that I have written so far.

“Wake up John! Wake up!” Billy shouted. “But it’s still 6 in the morning.” John answered lazily and went back to sleep. “It’s Christmas morning!” Billy shouted excitedly. John jumped out of his bed and they both ran downstairs, and there it was, under the Christmas tree are the gifts from Santa.
            They unwrapped the present hurriedly and excitedly. Billy got a sleigh from Santa and John got a snowboard. Their parents are woken up because of all the sounds. “Mom, Dad look I got a sleigh!” Billy shouted. “And I got a snowboard!” “That’s great! Why don’t you guys try it out!” Dad suggested.
            Billy and John quickly got dressed and took their gifts outside. They played with their gifts in the snow hill near their house. They had fun.
            That night, they heard a crash near their house. They were all awaken because of that loud crash. They went to check. Surprisingly, they saw Santa Claus. Santa crashed his sleigh into a tree. They quickly helped him.
            Santa told them how he could end up in there. It was because one of his elves forgotten to tie one of his reindeers so it unattached and his sleigh got unbalanced. The family was amused about Santa’s story. “Why don’t you help me deliver these last few gifts.” Santa asked. “Sure! We would love to help!” they answered. “Then hop in!” Santa exclaimed.
             Santa tied the missing reindeer and off they go. John was amazed of how Santa could drive at this speed. Billy was having the most exciting time of his life. John and Billy helped Santa throw the gifts into everybody’s house. They traveled from USA to Canada, then to Europe, then to Russia, through Indonesia, across Africa and back to USA.

            It’s amazing how they could travel around the world in just one night. After all that excitement they returned back to their home. “Thank you for helping me deliver the gifts!” Santa thanked them. “Will you ever come back here?” Billy asked. “I’ll come back next Christmas.” Santa answered. “Goodbye Santa!” they cheered as Santa took off and disappeared among the clouds. That is the story of John and Billy. This is the best and most unforgettable experience they ever had.

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