Mar 8, 2016

The Wave (Narrative)

This is also one of my narratives that I like. I hope you enjoy it. :)

It was a beautiful Sunday for the Smith family. The sun was shinning brightly, the skies were blue, and the seagulls were squacking loudly above the golden beach. Jack Smith just woke up. Mrs. Smith was cooking breakfast and Mr. Smith was reading the news paper. They are preparing to go to church. It was a day that felt like there's nothing that can go wrong.
            The Smith family rode the car to the church but they realize that the parking lot was empty. When they went inside, but there was nobody there. "Where did everybody go?" Jack asked. "Something must be wrong." Mr. Smith said. "Maybe the church is closed." Mrs. Smith said.
            So they went back home. Jack wanted to watch TV but their TV was broken. So he decided to go to the beach. Same as the church the beach was empty too, but Jack did not mind. He built a sand castle and played in the waves. While he was playing he saw a blue figure far in the ocean. Then he realizes that it was a tsunami!
            He ran home as fast as he could. "Mom! Dad! There is a tsunami! I saw it from the beach!" Jack yelled in panic. "So everyone already evacuated?" Mr. Smith asked. "We were not informed because our TV is broken." Mrs. Smith said. "We have to evacuate, NOW!" Jack shouted.
             They ran through the evacuation route as fast as they could. When they looked back, they saw the wave cathing up to them. They could see the evacuation area in the front of them. They were so close but then Jack tripped and fell down. He tried to get up but it was too late. He was strucked hard by the wave and he felt a terrible pain on his back....
            When he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was the bright light like in the hospital. He was confused because the last thing he remembered was the tsunami. A few minutes later the doctors came in and they were very shocked but happy. The doctors said to Jack"You have been unconcious for 8 years since you were strucked by the tsunami." A thought appeared in Jack's mind "Where is my parents?" "I'm sorry to say, but your parents did not survive the disaster." the doctor said sadly.

            Tears formed on Jack's eyes. He felt hopeless and desperate, but he thought that he should never give up. After he recovered, he went outside. It was a very different city. A city that was better than the old one. The thoughts of his parents gave him the courage to go on. He was determined to go on and face the new world.

Mar 3, 2016

Trip to Singapore

A few weeks ago I and my classmates went to Singapore for a study tour. This is my experience there.

On the 20th of February 2016, my class and I went on a field trip to Singapore. We all were very excited for the trip. We are going to stay there for 7 days and 6 nights. The night before the trip we all packed our suitcase and got ready for the trip.

The next day we woke up very early and went straight to the airport. When everyone is already there we went to go. I’m very excited. We took off and headed for Singapore. When we arrive we took the bus to our hostel. Turns out that the hostel wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

 That day we went to the Science Center. We looked at many different experiments that amused us. After we went to Science Center, we went to J-Cube mall. The teacher let us go around the mall ourselves. We all ate dinner at a restaurant called Nandos. The food was great but it is also kind of expensive. Then we went back to the hostel and went to bed.

The 2nd day in Singapore was also fun! We went to Universal Studios in Sentosa Island. Before we went there we had to go to church first. After church, we took the MRT to HarbourFront and then took the Monorail to Waterfront Station. That day we spend our time in Universal Studios having fun and enjoying our time. That afternoon we wanted to take the Monorail back to VivoCity mall but it was very crowded. So…. We decided to walk along the bridge between Sentosa Island and VivoCity. It was tiring and wasted most of our time so that we didn’t have time to eat. So we decided to take away the meal and eat it in the hostel. I had a lot of fun that day. I wish that we could spend more time there.

The day after the trip to Universal Studios, was Monday, which means the first day of school in Singapore. The school started very early in the morning. I feel very sleepy! We had to walk about 20 minutes from our hostel to the school. The school is much bigger than our school. They have a basketball field, a canteen, a many classes and also a soccer field. The first thing we did is a flag raising ceremony. We went to the field and joined the flag raising ceremony. After the flag raising ceremony, we were separated into several classes. I was put in the class 2/6. The students there are very friendly to us. We had lunch there and then we went back to the hostel at 1:30.

After school we went to Chinatown. We went there by the MRT. In Chinatown, we took a walk and explored from shop to shop. We also bought some snacks for us to eat. The foods there were delicious. We went back to the hostel that night. We took a bath and played the table soccer for a while. Then we went to sleep.

Another day at school! My roommate and I almost over slept. It’s a good thing that my friend woke me up just in time. We hurriedly prepared ourselves and had breakfast. Then we had another day at school. Just the same like yesterday. This time we went to Marina after school. We visited Marina Barrage, the place where Singapore gets its pure water. We played there for a while then we went to Gardens by the Bay. We went to see the super tree grove. We went up the skywalk. It was so high!!! The view was awesome! I took lots of pictures. For dinner I ate subway in Ang Mo Kio Hub. It was delicious.

The next day we went to school as usual. After school, we went to Bugis Junction. The mall was huge and we look around and shop for things we need. My friends bought many different stuff such as clothes, pencil cases, and also a wallet. I had a fun time there. Our dinner was pop-mie and we ate it in the hostel. Then we played cards in my room. Then we went to sleep because we still have to go to school the next day.

We woke up early today and had breakfast. We walk to school as usual. Since this is the last day of school I want to give them a little gift for being my friend. I gave my buddy a book and a pen. I gave all my friends 10 ribu rupiah as a gift so we could keep in touch. In return, they gave me a small soccer ball. I felt so happy and I really like the gift they gave me! After school we went to Orchard. My mom asked me to buy her some vitamin because there is none of that in Indonesia. I bought it in guardian medicine store. It was quite expensive. Then we went shopping again. I bought a shirt and a sweat pants with my friend. Also we ate dinner in the food court in Somerset mall. I bought a beef teriyaki. It tastes delicious. This day is the last day in Singapore.

Today we are going back to Indonesia. Whyyyyyy!??? I don’t want to go back yet! It felt so short. Good bye Singapore!!! We went to Changi airport in the morning and checked in. We had 20 minutes time to go and look around. I bought a few pork chop as a gift for my grandparents. Then I realized that we only have 3 minutes to get back to the gate because the plane is about to leave. I and my friend ran as fast as we could to reach there in time. In fact we did! By the time we reach there we were already exhausted from running. Good thing we didn’t miss the flight. We went in the plane and went to our seats. The flight took almost 2 hours. I felt happy that I’m going to meet my parents again. The plane landed safely and we went off the plane. We took our baggage and went outside. My parents are already waiting for me outside the gate. I felt so happy to finally meet my parents again. Of course I will miss Singapore but I also want to go home and spend my time with my parents.

Mar 2, 2016

The Climb (Narrative)

        This is a narrative that my teacher told me to make and it has to be about the 3 climbers. We have to pick an ending to end the story. Hope you can enjoy this narrative. :)
    “Let’s go!” Chris said excitedly. Chris, Nick, and Zach are about to go mountain climbing, but it’s not an ordinary climb. They are about to climb the tallest mountain in the whole wide world, Mount Everest.
Chris, Nick, and Zach are preparing for the climb. “It’s going to be dangerous so you’d better prepare well for the journey.” Nick said. “Don’t worry guys! We are professionals remember?” Chris said confidently. They are actual professionals. Nick is a Meteorologist and does a lot of mountain climbing. Zach has climbed to the top of Mount Rainey in Washington, and Chris is a young business man that loves and practices mountain climbing.
            They start the dangerous journey with a determined heart to complete their journey. It is a tough journey. They have to climb the mountain carefully because one little mistake can cause a bad thing to happen. The sun is slowly going down and the temperature is dropping. The climbers decide to set a camp. They arrive on a flat area which is a good place to set the camp. They cook the food they bring on a fire that they make. They spend an uncomfortable night on the freezing mountain.
            The next day they wake up early and continue the journey. “Man, it’s freezing out here.” Zach said shivering. ‘That’s why we have to warm up ourselves by exercising.” Nick stated. They continue their journey up the steep mountain. “This is very tiring.” Chris said panting in exhaustion. Suddenly there is a sudden movement on the ground. “Do you hear that sound?” Zach asked “because I just heard a rumbling sound.” “Nope.” Chris answered unwillingly. The ground shakes again, but this time it is much harder. The ground stops shaking for a few seconds but is followed by another rumbling.
            “It’s a land slide!” Nick said. “Take cover behind that rock!” They run as fast as they can towards the rock. They can see the land slide rushing down. Nick and Chris jump to safe place just in time, but it is too late for Zach. Zach is pushed by the snow. The land slide pushes Zach towards a cliff. “Help! Save me!” Zach cried but it is too late for them to save him. He is pushed over the edge of the cliff and Chris and Nick watch him fall helplessly.
            After the landslide, they rush to see if Zach is still alive. Thankfully, Zach is saved by a small ledge. The bad news is that Zach injures his leg. He cannot walk. They try to throw him a rope to pull him up but the rope isn’t long enough. They watch him helplessly. Suddenly Nick has an idea. “We can get help if we go back to the city.” Nick said. Zach doesn’t like this idea. He is going to be left alone in the ledge with an injured leg. “Is there another idea?” Zach asked. They can’t think of anything better. “This is the only possibility to save you Zach.” Chris said.
            Chris and Nick decide to go down the mountain to get help as Zach hopes that he will be saved. In order to save Zach they have to get help fast before Zach gets ill. Will they make it? Will Zach be saved? It all depends on Nick and Chris to save Zach.

Chinese New Year 2016

On Monday, 8th of February, I and my family celebrated Chinese New Year. I felt excited for that day! This year my cousin who lives in Surabaya came to Bandung to celebrate Chinese New Year with us. He came 2 days before Chinese New Year. The night before Chinese New Year we went to my grandma’s house to celebrate New Year’s Eve. We ate a delicious meal and we had a fun time together.
Ang Pao
The next day we woke up early since we were very excited. We went to my grandma from my father house to celebrate Chinese New Year!!!! We said Gong Xi Fa Cai to everyone in the family and earned a lot of Ang Pao. That afternoon we went to my other grandma’s house. We did the same thing and earned more Ang Pao.

That night, we have to be the hosts for the Chinese New Year dinner. We rented a place at Bumi Sangkuriang for our activity. We ordered the food for everyone. My cousins and I also prepared a short performance to entertain the guest from my family. After dinner we arranged some games so that everyone can participate and have a happy Chinese New Year. Everyone enjoyed it and had a whole lot of fun. After that we went back home happily. I hope you guys can also have a Happy Chinese New Year!!!